Market research on the consumer finance industry. Our reports fea...
Market research on the consumer finance industry. Our reports feature standardised and cross-comparable statistics including total market sizes, market share and brand share data, distribution and industry trends.
This report provides an in-depth analysis of the potential market strategies for companies in Sub-Saharan Africa amidst the current cost of living crisis. It details how companies can leverage affordability, technology, and values to cater to the…
Rising costs of living pose challenges globally, but companies can find opportunities in several categories, essential and discretionary, especially in underpenetrated fast-growing markets. By considering category adjacencies and focusing on value,…
Global consumers are struggling with the cost of living crisis, as inflation remains high while household income growth lags. Consumers are adopting recessionary habits, such as trading down and being more selective in their spending. Rather than…
The Asian consumer is changing. Traditional values that served the collective in terms of both society and the family are on the wane, with COVID-19 lockdowns accelerating a new focus on individualism and the self. This report explores how Asian…
Crypto players have signed a myriad new partnership deals over the past year and are quickly becoming a disruptive force in the sports industry. While in the short term crypto sponsors can provide much-needed revenue to an industry highly impacted by…
Customer loyalty in Latin America is evolving amid the evolving consumer preferences and needs. Players must embrace regional macroeconomic, social and consumer specifics to be able to withstand the increasing competition. Embracing technological…
The briefing introduces the Cities Households Necessities Spending Index. The index ranks 1,075 cities by household expenditure on non-discretionary items, namely food, housing, and clothing and footwear. This analysis focuses on 160 major cities.…
The global B2B payment market is gaining increasing attention from financial card and electronic direct payment platforms, as more consumer payment value has been converted away from paper. The USD32.7 trillion spent by merchants through paper…
This report examines how the future of globalisation, the future of work and education and future priorities and preferences have changed for the consumer finance industry. Innovation in payments are driving greater merchant acceptance and consumer…
In the upcoming years, consumers and businesses face an array of challenges, with income inequality, mass migration and rising uncertainty about another crisis being among the major ones. Nevertheless, within this lie untapped opportunities. This…
In the upcoming years, consumers and businesses face an array of challenges, with rising income inequality being among the key ones. Nevertheless, addressing the income inequality through catering to the Bottom of the Pyramid and the Middle Class…
The largest international financial card networks have successfully maintained a leading position in consumer payments through innovation and extensive merchant acceptance. The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the existing shift of consumer payments…
As the year comes to an end, this report captures the evolution of the sentiment, preparedness, impact, reaction and future measures taken by businesses during 2020 in response to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, while also looks ahead to predict…
The report will explore the key themes transforming consumer behaviour in Asia Pacific in the world beyond the pandemic, namely Digital Living, Rethink Wellness, Sustainable Living, Make My Life Easier and Search for Experiences, and the strategies…
Customer loyalty ecosystems are quickly becoming a popular format for loyalty programmes. Ecosystems either connect the loyalty programmes of brands within one company or the loyalty programmes of separate companies. Ecosystems offer multiple…
Technological advances are creating unprecedented change across consumer-facing industries. The Digital Consumer Survey, fielded in March and April, offers insight into the pace and depth of this evolution, tracking consumer behaviour, attitudes,…
Consumer mobility is evolving as urbanisation, sustainability and growing technological savviness are driving demand for travel supported by dynamic payment solutions. Euromonitor International introduces the Digital Payments in Mobility Index to…
Early digital banks in East and South Asia have generated profits. Their success in both developed and emerging markets is a good reference for new digital banks, especially in Southeast Asia. However, a few digital banks in Australia have failed.…
Besides building ecosystem partnerships, banks have to balance between convenience and data privacy and risk control, on alternative data usage. Also, BNPL poses a threat to banks’ growth, if banks do not undertake concrete actions on partnerships…
Benefiting from growing smartphone penetration, supportive regulations and so on, a growing number of digital banks have been launched, challenging the incumbents. However, among all digital banks, less than a quarter are known to be profitable. Key…