Standardised coverage and timely analysis of digital landscape in...
Standardised coverage and timely analysis of digital landscape indicators and digital commerce habits around the world, helping you to understand the mindset of the digitally savvy consumer.
Technological advances in 2024 will continue to reshape consumer behaviour. This annual report explores the top five digital shopper trends that will redefine commerce the most in the year ahead. Some of the trends included in this report’s edition…
Technological advances in 2022 will continue to reshape shopping behaviour for digitally-savvy consumers. This report explores the top five tech-driven trends expected to reshape commerce the most in the year ahead. Some of the trends included in…
During the pandemic, countries saw a restated demand for digital connectivity leading market players to accelerate their digital initiatives. Thus, the global digital landscape is expected to see shifts over the forecast period, where developed…
The Coronavirus pandemic ushered in unprecedented changes across consumer life. Technological advances in 2021 will continue to reshape shopping behaviour for digitally- savvy consumers. Leveraging Passport Digital Consumer data and analysis, this…
Technological advances are creating unprecedented change across consumer-facing industries. The Digital Consumer Survey, fielded in March and April, offers insight into the pace and depth of this evolution, tracking consumer behaviour, attitudes,…