Passport: Nutrition examines the key markets, drivers and dietary...
Passport: Nutrition examines the key markets, drivers and dietary trends, driving sales of eight key nutrients, purchased through packaged food and soft drink products in 54 countries.
Personalisation’s appeal is intensifying as modern consumers demand greater convenience and efficiency. Increasing awareness of the importance of nutrition for general health invites businesses’ innovations to create more granular tech solutions that…
In 2020, consumers’ interest in keeping themselves healthy and strong against Coronavirus (COVID-19) was reflected in nutritional intake trends. Regional trends in sugar and fat consumption in 2020 suggest which nutrients consumers desire more when…
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought permanent changes and new opportunities to global packaged food markets. As many working hours will stay in the home, so will many eating and food shopping occasions. The ubiquitous e-commerce channel will lead to…
This report analyses the emergence of third-party nutrition labels and their relevance in a post-Coronavirus (COVID-19) world. While comparing different labels a particular focus is on Nutri-Score that has been in the spotlight recently receiving…
With health top of mind, consumers are interested in health and wellness (HW) products more than ever amid the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Packaged food, soft and hot drinks players enjoy sales increase among HW variants which continue to…