Pathways to Gender-Inclusive Economic Development in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Sectoral Analysis

The multi-partner, “Pathways to Gender-Inclusive Economic Development in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Sectoral Analysis” study encompasses 13 countries including: Angola, Botswana, Cameroon, Côte d'Ivoire, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, South Africa, Tanzania, and Uganda. Through a combination of primary and secondary research, the study identifies the growing economic sectors in each country that hold the most promising and lucrative opportunities for women, especially young women. The study also reviews the cultural norms, policies, legal provisions, skillsets, and other factors that can support women’s success in the workforce and as entrepreneurs in those growing sectors, including the positive potential role for cooperatives.

This timely study is intended to inform strategies, programme design and implementation, and policies that will promote women’s economic empowerment (WEE) and, in turn, economic growth. The study’s inclusive and collaborative approach focuses on research for impact, aiming to maximise the potential commitments and actions to support gender-inclusive development by donors, civil society, the private sector, and policymakers at the country, regional and global level by building off of country and sector-specific recommendations for consideration.




Study Overview: Collaborative Effort to Promote Women's Economic Empowerment (WEE)

Euromonitor International’s Global Project Manager, Dr. Bolutife Onaneye, describes the origin, rationale, methodology, and potential next steps for the multi-donor “Pathways to Gender-Inclusive Economic Development in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Sectoral Analysis” gender study.


Discover more - Country specific reports


Angola created an enabling policy environment through the 2013 National Policy for Gender Equality/Equity and recently, by institutionalising a gender-sensitive budgeting approach.

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Botswana has a gender supportive policy environment, has achieved gender parity in primary/secondary education and ranks third globally for countries with the highest share of female managers (54.5%).

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Cameroon’s 2020-2030 National Development Strategy (NDS2030) integrates efforts to enhance gender equality.

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Côte d'Ivoire

Côte d'Ivoire has enacted legislation to prohibit discrimination and promote equality of women and men.

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Ethiopia’s National Development Plan (2021-30) recognises women’s equal participation as important for achieving prosperity, and the 13-year Industrial Strategic Plan (2013-2025) seeks to bring more women into medium and high-skilled jobs.

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Ghana has made great strides towards gender equality in education and health.

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Kenya has progressively embedded global/regional rights provisions for women/girls within national/local mandates.

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Nigeria has established legal frameworks for gender equality.

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Since the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi, women have anchored Rwanda’s workforce.

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Senegal has several plans and initiatives that include a focus on women (e.g., Plan for an Emerging Senegal [PES] targeting women entrepreneurs).

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South Africa

In South Africa, gender equality has improved across educational access, health outcomes and political representation.

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Tanzania has enacted policies to create an enabling, gender-equal environment.

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Uganda’s policy framework is generally supportive of women’s economic activity, with female labour force participation (FLFP) increasing in recent years (68.2% as at 2021) though still lower than men’s (73.9%).

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Discover Fresh Insights In The Dissemination Workshop

In an effort to raise awareness of the Pathways SSA Gender study and its key findings, the project Steering Committee hosted a virtual dissemination workshop on Wednesday, February 22nd, 2023.

Pathways To Gender-Inclusive Economic Development In Sub-Saharan Africa: A Sectoral Analysis


Pathways SSA Gender Study - Sector Gender Dashboard

This dashboard presents a compilation of data evidence from ILO, AfDB and Euromonitor Passport databases on women’s economic empowerment across broad economic sectors and the 13 countries covered on the Pathways SSA Gender Study. Euromonitor has analysed economic and employment data to develop new metrics including the benefit of female inclusion and forecasted female labour share (into 2030).

For an optimal user experience, this interactive dashboard is best viewed on screens with a width of at least 990px.

This report is a product of Euromonitor International with staff and external contributions. Euromonitor International neither guarantees the accuracy of the data and findings included in this report, nor the precision of interpretations and conclusions drawn from it by users. The terms and language utilised in this report as well as any geographic descriptions/boundaries shown on any map or content in this report do not imply any judgment, acceptance, or endorsement of the identity of any persons/groups or the legal status of any territories on the part of Euromonitor International. 

This report does not necessarily reflect the views of the Mastercard Foundation, UN Women, International Development Research Centre, UN Economic Commission for Africa (UN ECA), Euromonitor International, U.S. Overseas Cooperative Development Council (OCDC), the United States Agency for International Development, or the United States Government.
