Food, Beverages and Tobacco in Asia Pacific

December 2022

Asia Pacific remained the largest global producer of food, beverages and tobacco in 2021, with sales valued at USD3,809 billion. With the release of pent-up demand, the industry’s turnover witnessed an increase in 2021. Going forward, expanding domestic markets and rising productivity are expected to stimulate the industry’s growth. However, with tightening global food supplies amid climate change and geopolitical conflicts, challenges persist, especially for major regional food importers.

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This report comes in PPT.

Key Findings

Asia Pacific to continue to lead global food production value growth

Rapidly expanding populations and projected significant economic growth will strengthen Asia Pacific’s position as the largest food producer in the world. Between 2021 and 2030, the food, beverages and tobacco industry’s turnover in Asia Pacific is forecast to increase by more than USD1 billion and reach USD5.1 billion. Growing middle classes are set to stimulate domestic demand for animal proteins, such as meat, fish and dairy products.

High seafood demand to drive the fishing sector’s expansion

Fishing is forecast to lead the food industry’s absolute value growth over the forecast period in Asia Pacific. The fishing sector’s growth will mainly depend on growth in demand in domestic markets, as millions of people in the region rely on seafood for protein intake. However, overexploitation of the region’s fisheries remains a major threat to the sector’s future development. According to the Indonesian Marine Affairs and Fisheries Ministry, 90% of Indonesian fish catch come from areas that are already overfished.

Growing importance of healthy living resonates with increasing demand for low-sugar beverages

While soft drinks are set to remain the largest beverages category in Asia Pacific through to 2030, changing consumer attitudes to health and wellness are expected to encourage companies to offer a greater selection of low sugar alternatives. Meanwhile, spirits are forecast to grow at the fastest pace, supported by reopening of social gathering places and urban consumers’ searches for varied experiences.

Asia Pacific remains a significant importer

Asia Pacific remains among the largest food importers globally, driven by expanding demand from growing populations and changing dietary preferences among more affluent population segments. With global food commodity markets facing considerable turbulence, given the ongoing impact of the war in Ukraine and climate change, some emerging Asian countries might face growing food security concerns. Emerging economies remain the most vulnerable to supply shortages and price increases, prompting the need to diversify supply markets and enhance industry productivity.

Key findings
Asia Pacific to lead food, beverages and tobacco production value growth globally
Revenues of food and beverages producers to rise over 2022
Fishing to spur the food industry ‘s growth, with Indonesia in the lead
Sweetened beverages to drive soft drinks growth in Asia Pacific
Growth to be driven by expanding fish, vegetable oils and animal fats production
Food industry’s structure remains diverse across Asian countries
China and Indonesia to lead tobacco production in absolute terms
Growing input costs will fuel acquisitions in food industry in Asia Pacific
Large companies dominate the industry in China and Japan
Asia Pacific exports growth to be driven by Southeast Asian economies
China’s dependency on food imports continues despite efforts to increase production
China: Foreign trade landscape
Indonesia : Production context
Indonesia: Foreign trade landscape
India: Production context
India: Foreign trade landscape
Vietnam: Production context
Vietnam: F oreign trade landscape
Philippines: Production context
Philippines: Foreign trade landscape
Bangladesh: Production context
Bangladesh: Foreign trade landscape
Pakistan: Production context
Pakistan: Foreign trade landscape
Malaysia: Production context
Malaysia: Foreign trade landscape
Japan: Production context
Japan: Foreign trade landscape
South Korea: Production context
South Korea: Foreign trade landscape
Taiwan: Production context
Taiwan: Foreign trade landscape
Thailand: Production context
Thailand: Foreign trade landscape
Uzbekistan: Production context
Uzbekistan: Foreign trade landscape
Cambodia: Production context
Cambodia: Foreign trade landscape
Kazakhstan: Production context
Kazakhstan: Foreign trade landscape
Sri Lanka: Production context
Sri Lanka: Foreign trade landscape
Singapore: Production context
Singapore: Foreign trade landscape
Hong Kong, China: Production context
Hong Kong, China: Foreign trade landscape
Azerbaijan: Production context
Azerbaijan: Foreign trade landscape


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