Understanding the Path to Purchase: Global Consumer Types in 2023

August 2023

Consumer Types can be a powerful tool to help companies better understand and appeal to their target markets. Consumers are grouped based on shared traits and preferences, companies can better develop products and marketing campaigns that resonate with key customers. This briefing includes in-depth profiles of the eight global Consumer Types in 2023.

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This report comes in PPT.

Key findings


Who plans purchases or buys on impulse?

Who enjoys the shopping experience?


Who does thorough research before they buy?

Who reads product reviews or compares prices online?


Who is influenced by social media?

Who looks to friends or family for recommendations?


Who favours browsing and purchasing in store?

Who prefers the convenience of online shopping?


Who cares about low prices above all else?

Who looks for brand-name or premium products?

Consumer types overview
Voice of the consumer: lifestyles survey overview and methodology
Questions that uncover the path to purchase
Global demographic profile of minimalist seeker
General profile
Minimalist seeker shopping habits
Minimalist Seeker path to purchase
Best ways to target a minimalist seeker
Trends to watch
Global demographic profile of conservative homebody
General profile
Conservative homebody shopping habits
Conservative homebody path to purchase
Best ways to target a conservative homebody
Trends to watch
Global demographic profile of balanced optimist
General profile
Balanced Optimist shopping habits
Balanced Optimist path to purchase
Best ways to target a Balanced Optimist
Trends to watch
Global demographic profile of cautious planner
General profile
Cautious Planner shopping habits
Cautious Planner path to purchase
Best ways to target a Cautious Planner
Trends to watch
Global demographic profile of Impulsive Spender
General profile
Impulsive Spender shopping habits
Impulsive Spender path to purchase
Best ways to target an impulsive spender
Trends to watch
Global demographic profile of empowered activist
General profile
Empowered Activist shopping habits
Empowered activist path to purchase
Best ways to target an empowered activist
Trends to watch
Global demographic profile of undaunted striver
General profile
Undaunted Striver shopping habits
Undaunted Striver path to purchase
Best ways to target an undaunted striver
Trends to watch
Global demographic profile of secure traditionalist
General profile
Secure traditionalist shopping habits
Secure traditionalist path to purchase
Best ways to target a secure traditionalist
Trends to watch
Consumer types by country, 2023 (1/3)
Consumer types by Country, 2023 (2/3)
Consumer Types by Country, 2023 (3/3)


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