E-commerce in the MENA region has grown substantially since the pandemic period in 2020 given its acceleration of online platforms, consumer demand and online payments. 2021 saw e-commerce in the region accelerate even further. Find out more about the latest insights and data from Euromonitor's General Manager in Dubai, Hussein Doughan.
Euromonitor’s research manager Christy Tawii and Doctor Beate Stiehler-Mulder from the University of Johannesburg discuss the significant role of informal retailing in Sub-Saharan Africa. Despite the growth of modern channels, informal retail channels continue to reflect the typical shopping habits of a large proportion of consumers across all income groups and are expected to continue to play a vital role in the future. This podcast will help businesses understand how to tap into this important retail sector.
As we adapt to an increasingly digitally reliant world, this episode explores how digital innovations, shifts in target demographics, and lifestyle changes caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, are drawing fashion players to this space and highlights the challenges and opportunities facing fashion players trying to capitalise on the expansion of the metaverse and digital fashion.
While the resale market has existed for decades, it is currently booming thanks to the changing needs and values of consumers, especially Millennial and Gen Z consumers.
This episode is the second of our new podcast series on Restarting Europe, where Food and Nutrition Research Analysts Margaux Laine and Marie Breban will dig deeper into the evolution of the physical store after the COVID-19 pandemic. The episode explores two pillars shaping the future of the store in Europe – Betting on Suburbia and Exploring New Concepts. With e-commerce further gaining advantage during extended lockdowns, can physical stores compete by betting on community-driven initiatives? Can retailers and shops extend the role of the physical store, and where does sustainability fit into this new normal?
This episode is the first of our new podcast series on “Restarting Europe” where Food and Nutrition Analyst Margaux Laine and Consultant Maria Bogdanova look at the opportunities the opening of economies brings for retail. The rates of vaccination…