Read in-depth analysis on the key trends shaping demand across in...
Read in-depth analysis on the key trends shaping demand across industries, consumers and national markets, with insight and market statistics that offer global strategic coverage.
Retail sales of savoury snacks increased strongly in 2020, with people snacking more in the extra time spent at home due to Coronavirus (COVID-19). While growth slowed markedly in 2021, sales were still at much higher levels than prior to the…
The COVID-19 pandemic, technological disruption, globalisation reset and changing employee preferences have reshaped the way we work and learn. Businesses need to adopt new working models and become more flexible, people-centric and digitally-enabled…
This report brings together insights from Euromonitor’s Environmental Sustainability Index, which ranks 97 markets (which in 2020 represented 97.2% of global GDP and 89.1% of the world’s population) highlighting country-specific risks and…
Further strong value growth is expected in 2021 for edible oils in Eastern Europe. However, while growth in 2020 was mainly driven by more home-cooking due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the 2021 value sales increase will be predominantly…
Though hit by COVID-19, direct selling stays sixth in beauty and personal care with 8% of value sales in 2020. Flat results in Latin America and good growth in North America balance double-digit decline in Asia Pacific and Australasia. The…
Growth saw a slowdown in savoury snacks in Asia Pacific, with the region hit by Coronavirus (COVID-19) and the measures taken to contain its spread. However, growth will quickly return to more dynamic levels from 2021, with other savoury snacks…
Retail value sales of savoury snacks slipped into decline in 2020, with some countries seeing weaker year-on-year performances as a result of the economic impact of Coronavirus (COVID-19) hitting consumers’ disposable incomes. Mobility restrictions…
Sales of savoury snacks continued growing in most Eastern European countries in 2020 and 2021, in spite of Coronavirus (COVID-19). Even if some on-the-go sales were lost during the pandemic, particularly in 2020, home seclusion has tended to benefit…
Cheese sales, after receiving significant impetus in 2020 due to Coronavirus (COVID-19), continued to grow in real value terms in 2021. Sales remain above pre-pandemic levels as consumers were still cooking and eating more at home than usual as…
Retail value sales of cheese slowed markedly in 2021, following the year-earlier growth spike due to Coronavirus (COVID-19), but remained at higher levels than prior to the pandemic. Although the pandemic has hit some consumers’ disposable incomes,…
This report identifies the 10 global consumer trends expected to impact during 2021, providing specific characteristics and how the trend manifests, consumer behaviour and motivation driving the trend, as well as insights on how industry is…
As the end of 2021 approaches, almost two years into the COVID-19 pandemic, the emergence and rapid spread of the Omicron coronavirus variant has increased uncertainty and weakened the momentum of the global recovery. This series of quarterly reports…
Energy-boosting drinks have grown in popularity in Europe, as consumers seek functional drinks that can help improve performance, focus and energy levels at work (at home or in the traditional office/workplace) or at the gym. This was accelerated by…
The global pandemic has drawn attention to sustainability, rising awareness and accelerating actions and investments from companies and governments. This report brings together insights from Euromonitor’s Voice of the Industry: Sustainability survey,…
Strong movements across Western European markets towards the legalisation of medical and recreational cannabis are expected to reshape the undeveloped Western European cannabis market, and accelerate the migration from the massive illicit cannabis…
Headphones is the fastest growing category in consumer electronics with many brands flooding the market. How can new entrants or established brands stay relevant in the overly crowded headphones marketplace?
Data from personal health technology – wearables, smart fitness machines and apps - is being used to change and improve consumer nutrition and consumption routines. Health tech will have an outsized impact on the beverage industry, as the…
Q4 2021 forecast shows slight downgrade in global beauty, but most of the top 10 beauty markets were upgraded for 2025 projections in Q4 2021. A higher anticipated growth in beauty and personal care in 2021 reflects the ongoing global economic…
After the growth spike seen in the Eastern European cheese market in 2020, as a result of more home cooking due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the 2021 sales increase slowed to 2% in real value terms, with a 3% CAGR expected in the overall…
With consumers eating and cooking more at home due to Coronavirus (COVID-19), retail sales of cheese in Asia Pacific have continued to grow, even seeing a slight sales spike in 2020. With per capita consumption rates still generally low in the…